r6e Projects

Arbitrary interests; open information


Configuration options for a configuration file with "type": "process".

Enable accel_to_decel

Klipper’s max_accel_to_decel will be adjusted automatically

Key: accel_to_decel_enable

Type: Bool

Default true


"accel_to_decel_enable": true


Klipper’s max_accel_to_decel will be adjusted to this % of acceleration

Key: accel_to_decel_factor

Type: Percent

Min: 1

Max: 100

Default 50


"accel_to_decel_factor": "50%"

Adaptive layer height [deprecated]

Enabling this option means the height of every layer except the first will be automatically calculated during slicing according to the slope of the model’s surface. Note that this option only takes effect if no prime tower is generated in current plate.

Key: adaptive_layer_height

Type: Bool

Default false


"adaptive_layer_height": false

Bottom shell layers

This is the number of solid layers of bottom shell, including the bottom surface layer. When the thickness calculated by this value is thinner than bottom shell thickness, the bottom shell layers will be increased

Key: bottom_shell_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 3


"bottom_shell_layers": 6

Bottom shell thickness

The number of bottom solid layers is increased when slicing if the thickness calculated by bottom shell layers is thinner than this value. This can avoid having too thin shell when layer height is small. 0 means that this setting is disabled and thickness of bottom shell is absolutely determained by bottom shell layers

Key: bottom_shell_thickness

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"bottom_shell_thickness": 0.5

Bottom surface flow ratio

This factor affects the amount of material for bottom solid infill

Key: bottom_solid_infill_flow_ratio

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 2

Default 1


"bottom_solid_infill_flow_ratio": 1

Bottom surface pattern

Line pattern of bottom surface infill, not bridge infill

Key: bottom_surface_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Monotonic

Enum values:


"bottom_surface_pattern": "zig-zag"

Acceleration (bridge)

Acceleration of bridges. If the value is expressed as a percentage (e.g. 50%), it will be calculated based on the outer wall acceleration.

Key: bridge_acceleration

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 50%


"bridge_acceleration": 3000

Bridge infill direction

Bridging angle override. If left to zero, the bridging angle will be calculated automatically. Otherwise the provided angle will be used for external bridges. Use 180°for zero angle.

Key: bridge_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"bridge_angle": 0

Bridge density

Density of external bridges. 100% means solid bridge. Default is 100%.

Key: bridge_density

Type: Percent

Min: 10

Max: 100

Default 100


"bridge_density": "100%"

Bridge flow

Decrease this value slightly(for example 0.9) to reduce the amount of material for bridge, to improve sag

Key: bridge_flow

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 2

Default 1


"bridge_flow": 1

Don’t support bridges

Don’t support the whole bridge area which make support very large. Bridge usually can be printing directly without support if not very long

Key: bridge_no_support

Type: Bool

Default false


"bridge_no_support": true

Speed (outer bridge)

Speed of bridge and completely overhang wall

Key: bridge_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 25


"bridge_speed": 55

Brim ear detection radius

The geometry will be decimated before dectecting sharp angles. This parameter indicates the minimum length of the deviation for the decimation.\n0 to deactivate

Key: brim_ears_detection_length

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 1


"brim_ears_detection_length": 1

Brim ear max angle

Maximum angle to let a brim ear appear. \nIf set to 0, no brim will be created. \nIf set to ~180, brim will be created on everything but straight sections.

Key: brim_ears_max_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 180

Default 125


"brim_ears_max_angle": 125

Brim-object gap

A gap between innermost brim line and object can make brim be removed more easily

Key: brim_object_gap

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 2

Default 0.0


"brim_object_gap": 0.2

Brim type

This controls the generation of the brim at outer and/or inner side of models. Auto means the brim width is analysed and calculated automatically.

Key: brim_type

Type: Enum

Default AutoBrim

Enum values:


"brim_type": "no_brim"

Brim width

Distance from model to the outermost brim line

Key: brim_width

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 0.0


"brim_width": 3

Bed type

Bed types supported by the printer

Key: curr_bed_type

Type: Enum

Default PC

Enum values:


"curr_bed_type": "Engineering Plate"

Acceleration (default)

The default acceleration of both normal printing and travel except initial layer

Key: default_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 500.0


"default_acceleration": 200

Jerk (default)

Default jerk

Key: default_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0


"default_jerk": 0

Detect overhang wall

Detect the overhang percentage relative to line width and use different speed to print. For 100% overhang, bridge speed is used.

Key: detect_overhang_wall

Type: Bool

Default true


"detect_overhang_wall": false

Detect thin wall

Detect thin wall which can’t contain two line width. And use single line to print. Maybe printed not very well, because it’s not closed loop

Key: detect_thin_wall

Type: Bool

Default false


"detect_thin_wall": true

Draft shield

With draft shield active, the skirt will be printed skirt_distance from the object, possibly intersecting brim. Enabled = skirt is as tall as the highest printed object. Limited = skirt is as tall as specified by skirt_height. This is useful to protect an ABS or ASA print from warping and detaching from print bed due to wind draft.

Key: draft_shield

Type: Enum

Default Disabled

Enum values:


"draft_shield": 0

Elephant foot compensation layers

The number of layers on which the elephant foot compensation will be active. The first layer will be shrunk by the elephant foot compensation value, then the next layers will be linearly shrunk less, up to the layer indicated by this value.

Key: elefant_foot_compensation_layers

Type: Int

Min: 1

Default 1


"elefant_foot_compensation_layers": 1

Arc fitting

Enable this to get a G-code file which has G2 and G3 moves. And the fitting tolerance is same with resolution

Key: enable_arc_fitting

Type: Bool

Default false


"enable_arc_fitting": false

Speed (overhang)

Enable this option to slow printing down for different overhang degree

Key: enable_overhang_speed

Type: Bool

Default true


"enable_overhang_speed": true

Enable prime tower

The wiping tower can be used to clean up the residue on the nozzle and stabilize the chamber pressure inside the nozzle, in order to avoid appearance defects when printing objects.

Key: enable_prime_tower

Type: Bool

Default false


"enable_prime_tower": true

Enable support

Enable support generation.

Key: enable_support

Type: Bool

Default false


"enable_support": false

Enforce support for the first

Generate support material for the specified number of layers counting from bottom, regardless of whether normal support material is enabled or not and regardless of any angle threshold. This is useful for getting more adhesion of objects

Key: enforce_support_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Max: 5000

Default 0


"enforce_support_layers": 0

Exclude objects

Enable this option to add EXCLUDE OBJECT command in g-code

Key: exclude_object

Type: Bool

Default true


"exclude_object": false

Extra perimeters on overhangs

Create additional perimeter paths over steep overhangs and areas where bridges cannot be anchored.

Key: extra_perimeters_on_overhangs

Type: Bool

Default false


"extra_perimeters_on_overhangs": false


Clearance radius around extruder. Used for collision avoidance in by-object printing.

Key: extruder_clearance_radius

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 40


"extruder_clearance_radius": 75

Filament color

Only used as a visual help on UI

Key: filament_colour

Type: Strings

Default ["#F2754E"]


Filter out tiny gaps

Filter out gaps smaller than the threshold specified

Key: filter_out_gap_fill

Type: Float

Default 0


"filter_out_gap_fill": 0

Flush into objects’ infill

Purging after filament change will be done inside objects’ infills. This may lower the amount of waste and decrease the print time. If the walls are printed with transparent filament, the mixed color infill will be seen outside. It will not take effect, unless the prime tower is enabled.

Key: flush_into_infill

Type: Bool

Default false


"flush_into_infill": true

Flush into this object

This object will be used to purge the nozzle after a filament change to save filament and decrease the print time. Colours of the objects will be mixed as a result. It will not take effect, unless the prime tower is enabled.

Key: flush_into_objects

Type: Bool

Default false


"flush_into_objects": false

Flush into objects’ support

Purging after filament change will be done inside objects’ support. This may lower the amount of waste and decrease the print time. It will not take effect, unless the prime tower is enabled.

Key: flush_into_support

Type: Bool

Default true


"flush_into_support": true

Flush multiplier

The actual flushing volumes is equal to the flush multiplier multiplied by the flushing volumes in the table.

Key: flush_multiplier

Type: Float

Default 0.3


"flush_multiplier": 0.24

Purging volumes

This matrix describes volumes (in cubic milimetres) required to purge the new filament on the wipe tower for any given pair of tools.

Key: flush_volumes_matrix

Type: Floats

Default [0.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 0.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 0.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 280.0, 0.0]


"flush_volumes_matrix": [

Purging volumes - load/unload volumes

This vector saves required volumes to change from/to each tool used on the wipe tower. These values are used to simplify creation of the full purging volumes below.

Key: flush_volumes_vector

Type: Floats

Default [140.0, 140.0, 140.0, 140.0, 140.0, 140.0, 140.0, 140.0]


"flush_volumes_vector": [

Fuzzy Skin

Randomly jitter while printing the wall, so that the surface has a rough look. This setting controls the fuzzy position

Key: fuzzy_skin

Type: Enum

Default None

Enum values:


"fuzzy_skin": "none"

Fuzzy skin point distance

The average diatance between the random points introducded on each line segment

Key: fuzzy_skin_point_distance

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 5

Default 0.8


"fuzzy_skin_point_distance": 0.8

Fuzzy skin thickness

The width within which to jitter. It’s adversed to be below outer wall line width

Key: fuzzy_skin_thickness

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 1

Default 0.3


"fuzzy_skin_thickness": 0.3

Speed (gap infill)

Speed of gap infill. Gap usually has irregular line width and should be printed more slowly

Key: gap_infill_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 30


"gap_infill_speed": 230

Add line number

Enable this to add line number(Nx) at the beginning of each G-Code line

Key: gcode_add_line_number

Type: Bool

Default false


"gcode_add_line_number": false

Verbose G-code

Enable this to get a commented G-code file, with each line explained by a descriptive text. If you print from SD card, the additional weight of the file could make your firmware slow down.

Key: gcode_comments

Type: Bool

Default false


"gcode_comments": true

Label objects

Enable this to add comments into the G-Code labeling print moves with what object they belong to, which is useful for the Octoprint CancelObject plugin. This settings is NOT compatible with Single Extruder Multi Material setup and Wipe into Object / Wipe into Infill.

Key: gcode_label_objects

Type: Bool

Default true


"gcode_label_objects": true

Convert holes to polyholes

Search for almost-circular holes that span more than one layer and convert the geometry to polyholes. Use the nozzle size and the (biggest) diameter to compute the polyhole.\nSee http://hydraraptor.blogspot.com/2011/02/polyholes.html

Key: hole_to_polyhole

Type: Bool

Default false


"hole_to_polyhole": false

Polyhole detection margin

Maximum defection of a point to the estimated radius of the circle.\nAs cylinders are often exported as triangles of varying size, points may not be on the circle circumference. This setting allows you some leway to broaden the detection.\nIn mm or in % of the radius.

Key: hole_to_polyhole_threshold

Type: FloatOrPercent

Default 0.01


"hole_to_polyhole_threshold": 0.01

Polyhole twist

Rotate the polyhole every layer.

Key: hole_to_polyhole_twisted

Type: Bool

Default true


"hole_to_polyhole_twisted": false

Independent support layer height

Support layer uses layer height independent with object layer. This is to support customizing z-gap and save print time.This option will be invalid when the prime tower is enabled.

Key: independent_support_layer_height

Type: Bool

Default true


"independent_support_layer_height": true

Sparse infill anchor length

Connect an infill line to an internal perimeter with a short segment of an additional perimeter. If expressed as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over infill extrusion width. Slic3r tries to connect two close infill lines to a short perimeter segment. If no such perimeter segment shorter than infill_anchor_max is found, the infill line is connected to a perimeter segment at just one side and the length of the perimeter segment taken is limited to this parameter, but no longer than anchor_length_max. \nSet this parameter to zero to disable anchoring perimeters connected to a single infill line.

Key: infill_anchor

Type: FloatOrPercent

Default 400%

Enum values:


"infill_anchor": 2

Maximum length of the infill anchor

Connect an infill line to an internal perimeter with a short segment of an additional perimeter. If expressed as percentage (example: 15%) it is calculated over infill extrusion width. Slic3r tries to connect two close infill lines to a short perimeter segment. If no such perimeter segment shorter than this parameter is found, the infill line is connected to a perimeter segment at just one side and the length of the perimeter segment taken is limited to infill_anchor, but no longer than this parameter. If set to 0, the old algorithm for infill connection will be used, it should create the same result as with 1000 & 0.

Key: infill_anchor_max

Type: FloatOrPercent

Default 20.0

Enum values:


"infill_anchor_max": 15

Infill combination

Automatically Combine sparse infill of several layers to print together to reduce time. Wall is still printed with original layer height.

Key: infill_combination

Type: Bool

Default false


"infill_combination": false

Infill direction

Angle for sparse infill pattern, which controls the start or main direction of line

Key: infill_direction

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 360

Default 45


"infill_direction": 45

Jerk (infill)

Jerk for infill

Key: infill_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 9


"infill_jerk": 12

Infill/Wall overlap

Infill area is enlarged slightly to overlap with wall for better bonding. The percentage value is relative to line width of sparse infill

Key: infill_wall_overlap

Type: Percent

Default 15


"infill_wall_overlap": "10%"

Acceleration (initial layer)

Acceleration of initial layer. Using a lower value can improve build plate adhesive

Key: initial_layer_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 300


"initial_layer_acceleration": 2000

Infill speed (initial layer)

Speed of solid infill part of initial layer

Key: initial_layer_infill_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 60.0


"initial_layer_infill_speed": "35%"

Jerk (initial layer)

Jerk for initial layer

Key: initial_layer_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 9


"initial_layer_jerk": 1

Line width (initial layer)

Line width of initial layer. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: initial_layer_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"initial_layer_line_width": 0.25

First layer minimum wall width

The minimum wall width that should be used for the first layer is recommended to be set to the same size as the nozzle. This adjustment is expected to enhance adhesion.

Key: initial_layer_min_bead_width

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Default 85


"initial_layer_min_bead_width": "85%"

Layer height (initial layer)

Height of initial layer. Making initial layer height to be thick slightly can improve build plate adhension

Key: initial_layer_print_height

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.2


"initial_layer_print_height": 0.16

Speed (initial layer)

Speed of initial layer except the solid infill part

Key: initial_layer_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 30


"initial_layer_speed": 50

Travel speed (initial layer)

Travel speed of initial layer

Key: initial_layer_travel_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 1

Default 100%


"initial_layer_travel_speed": "100%"

Acceleration (inner walls)

Acceleration of inner walls

Key: inner_wall_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 10000


"inner_wall_acceleration": 4000

Jerk (inner wall)

Jerk of inner walls

Key: inner_wall_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 9


"inner_wall_jerk": 7

Inner wall

Line width of inner wall. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: inner_wall_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"inner_wall_line_width": 0.5

Speed (inner wall)

Speed of inner wall

Key: inner_wall_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 60


"inner_wall_speed": 75

Interface shells

Force the generation of solid shells between adjacent materials/volumes. Useful for multi-extruder prints with translucent materials or manual soluble support material

Key: interface_shells

Type: Bool

Default false


"interface_shells": false

Speed (inner bridge)

Speed of internal bridge. If the value is expressed as a percentage, it will be calculated based on the bridge_speed. Default value is 150%.

Key: internal_bridge_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 1

Default 150%


"internal_bridge_speed": "150%"

Acceleration (internal solid infill)

Acceleration of internal solid infill. If the value is expressed as a percentage (e.g. 100%), it will be calculated based on the default acceleration.

Key: internal_solid_infill_acceleration

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 100%


"internal_solid_infill_acceleration": 7000

Internal solid infill

Line width of internal solid infill. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: internal_solid_infill_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"internal_solid_infill_line_width": 0.27

Internal solid infill pattern

Line pattern of internal solid infill. if the detect nattow internal solid infill be enabled, the concentric pattern will be used for the small area.

Key: internal_solid_infill_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Monotonic

Enum values:


"internal_solid_infill_pattern": "zig-zag"

Speed (internal solid infill)

Speed of internal solid infill, not the top and bottom surface

Key: internal_solid_infill_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 100


"internal_solid_infill_speed": 160

Ironing angle

The angle ironing is done at. A negative number disables this function and uses the default method.

Key: ironing_angle

Type: Float

Min: -1

Max: 359

Default -1


"ironing_angle": -0.81

Ironing flow

The amount of material to extrude during ironing. Relative to flow of normal layer height. Too high value results in overextrusion on the surface

Key: ironing_flow

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 10


"ironing_flow": "8%"

Ironing Pattern

The pattern that will be used when ironing

Key: ironing_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Rectilinear

Enum values:


"ironing_pattern": "zig-zag"

Ironing line spacing

The distance between the lines of ironing

Key: ironing_spacing

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 1

Default 0.1


"ironing_spacing": 0.08

Speed (ironing)

Print speed of ironing lines

Key: ironing_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 20


"ironing_speed": 45

Ironing Type

Ironing is using small flow to print on same height of surface again to make flat surface more smooth. This setting controls which layer being ironed

Key: ironing_type

Type: Enum

Default NoIroning

Enum values:


"ironing_type": "top"

Default line width

Default line width if other line widths are set to 0. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"line_width": 0.4

Make overhang printable

Modify the geometry to print overhangs without support material.

Key: make_overhang_printable

Type: Bool

Default false


"make_overhang_printable": false

Make overhang printable maximum angle

Maximum angle of overhangs to allow after making more steep overhangs printable. 90° will not change the model at all and allow any overhang, while 0 will replace all overhangs with conical material.

Key: make_overhang_printable_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 90

Default 55.0


"make_overhang_printable_angle": 55

Make overhang printable hole area

Maximum area of a hole in the base of the model before it’s filled by conical material.A value of 0 will fill all the holes in the model base.

Key: make_overhang_printable_hole_size

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"make_overhang_printable_hole_size": 0

Max bridge length

Max length of bridges that don’t need support. Set it to 0 if you want all bridges to be supported, and set it to a very large value if you don’t want any bridges to be supported.

Key: max_bridge_length

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 10


"max_bridge_length": 10

Avoid crossing wall - Max detour length

Maximum detour distance for avoiding crossing wall. Don’t detour if the detour distance is large than this value. Detour length could be specified either as an absolute value or as percentage (for example 50%) of a direct travel path. Zero to disable

Key: max_travel_detour_distance

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"max_travel_detour_distance": 3

Extrusion rate smoothing

This parameter smooths out sudden extrusion rate changes that happen when the printer transitions from printing a high flow (high speed/larger width) extrusion to a lower flow (lower speed/smaller width) extrusion and vice versa.

It defines the maximum rate by which the extruded volumetric flow in mm3/sec can change over time. Higher values mean higher extrusion rate changes are allowed, resulting in faster speed transitions.

A value of 0 disables the feature.

For a high speed, high flow direct drive printer (like the Bambu lab or Voron) this value is usually not needed. However it can provide some marginal benefit in certain cases where feature speeds vary greatly. For example, when there are aggressive slowdowns due to overhangs. In these cases a high value of around 300-350mm3/s2 is recommended as this allows for just enough smoothing to assist pressure advance achieve a smoother flow transition.

For slower printers without pressure advance, the value should be set much lower. A value of 10-15mm3/s2 is a good starting point for direct drive extruders and 5-10mm3/s2 for Bowden style.

This feature is known as Pressure Equalizer in Prusa slicer.

Note: this parameter disables arc fitting.

Key: max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0


"max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope": 2.29

Smoothing segment length

A lower value results in smoother extrusion rate transitions. However, this results in a significantly larger gcode file and more instructions for the printer to process.

Default value of 3 works well for most cases. If your printer is stuttering, increase this value to reduce the number of adjustments made

Allowed values: 1-5

Key: max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_segment_length

Type: Int

Min: 1

Max: 5

Default 3


"max_volumetric_extrusion_rate_slope_segment_length": 2

Minimum wall width

Width of the wall that will replace thin features (according to the Minimum feature size) of the model. If the Minimum wall width is thinner than the thickness of the feature, the wall will become as thick as the feature itself. It’s expressed as a percentage over nozzle diameter

Key: min_bead_width

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Default 85


"min_bead_width": "85%"

Minimum feature size

Minimum thickness of thin features. Model features that are thinner than this value will not be printed, while features thicker than the Minimum feature size will be widened to the Minimum wall width. It’s expressed as a percentage over nozzle diameter

Key: min_feature_size

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Default 25


"min_feature_size": "25%"

One wall threshold

If a top surface has to be printed and it’s partially covered by another layer, it won’t be considered at a top layer where its width is below this value. This can be useful to not let the ‘one perimeter on top’ trigger on surface that should be covered only by perimeters. This value can be a mm or a % of the perimeter extrusion width. Warning: If enabled, artifacts can be created is you have some thin features on the next layer, like letters. Set this setting to 0 to remove these artifacts.

Key: min_width_top_surface

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 300%


"min_width_top_surface": "300%"

Minimum sparse infill threshold

Sparse infill area which is smaller than threshold value is replaced by internal solid infill

Key: minimum_sparse_infill_area

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 15


"minimum_sparse_infill_area": 25

Configuration notes

You can put here your personal notes. This text will be added to the G-code header comments.

Key: notes

Type: String

Default ``


"notes": "Set your soluble extruder in Multiple Extruders > Support material/raft/skirt extruder &  Support material/raft interface extruder"

Only one wall on first layer

Use only one wall on first layer, to give more space to the bottom infill pattern

Key: only_one_wall_first_layer

Type: Bool

Default false


"only_one_wall_first_layer": false

Only one wall on top surfaces

Use only one wall on flat top surface, to give more space to the top infill pattern

Key: only_one_wall_top

Type: Bool

Default false


"only_one_wall_top": false


This option will drop the temperature of the inactive extruders to prevent oozing. It will enable a tall skirt automatically and move extruders outside such skirt when changing temperatures.

Key: ooze_prevention

Type: Bool

Default false


"ooze_prevention": true

Acceleration (outer wall)

Acceleration of outer wall. Using a lower value can improve quality

Key: outer_wall_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 500


"outer_wall_acceleration": 0

Jerk (outer wall)

Jerk of outer walls

Key: outer_wall_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 9


"outer_wall_jerk": 2

Outer wall

Line width of outer wall. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: outer_wall_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"outer_wall_line_width": 0.8

Speed (outer wall)

Speed of outer wall which is outermost and visible. It’s used to be slower than inner wall speed to get better quality.

Key: outer_wall_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 60


"outer_wall_speed": 125

Speed (10%-25% overhang)

Speed for line of wall which has degree of overhang between 10% and 25% line width. 0 means using original wall speed

Key: overhang_1_4_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"overhang_1_4_speed": 60

Speed (25%-50% overhang)

Speed for line of wall which has degree of overhang between 25% and 50% line width. 0 means using original wall speed

Key: overhang_2_4_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"overhang_2_4_speed": 20

Speed (50%-75% overhang)

Speed for line of wall which has degree of overhang between 50% and 75% line width. 0 means using original wall speed

Key: overhang_3_4_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"overhang_3_4_speed": 30

Speed (75%-100% overhang)

Speed for line of wall which has degree of overhang between 75% and 100% line width. 0 means using original wall speed

Key: overhang_4_4_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"overhang_4_4_speed": 10

Reverse on odd

Extrude perimeters that have a part over an overhang in the reverse direction on odd layers. This alternating pattern can drastically improve steep overhang.

Key: overhang_reverse

Type: Bool

Default false


"overhang_reverse": true

Reverse threshold

Number of mm the overhang need to be for the reversal to be considered useful. Can be a % of the perimeter width.\nValue 0 enables reversal on every odd layers regardless.

Key: overhang_reverse_threshold

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 50%


"overhang_reverse_threshold": "56%"

Classic mode

Enable this option to use classic mode

Key: overhang_speed_classic

Type: Bool

Default false


"overhang_speed_classic": true

Post-processing Scripts

If you want to process the output G-code through custom scripts, just list their absolute paths here. Separate multiple scripts with a semicolon. Scripts will be passed the absolute path to the G-code file as the first argument, and they can access the Slic3r config settings by reading environment variables.

Key: post_process

Type: Strings

Default [""]


Precise wall(experimental)

Improve shell precision by adjusting outer wall spacing. This also improves layer consistency.

Key: precise_outer_wall

Type: Bool

Default false


"precise_outer_wall": false

Brim width (prime tower)

Brim width of the prime tower

Key: prime_tower_brim_width

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 3.0


"prime_tower_brim_width": 2

Prime tower width

Width of prime tower

Key: prime_tower_width

Type: Float

Min: 2

Default 60.0


"prime_tower_width": 40

Prime volume

The volume of material to prime extruder on tower.

Key: prime_volume

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 45.0


"prime_volume": 2

Flow ratio

The material may have volumetric change after switching between molten state and crystalline state. This setting changes all extrusion flow of this filament in gcode proportionally. Recommended value range is between 0.95 and 1.05. Maybe you can tune this value to get nice flat surface when there has slight overflow or underflow

Key: print_flow_ratio

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 2

Default 1


"print_flow_ratio": 0.95

Print sequence, layer by layer or object by object

Key: print_sequence

Type: Enum

Default ByLayer

Enum values:


"print_sequence": "by layer"

[No documentation provided]

Key: print_settings_id

Type: String

Default ``


"print_settings_id": "0.20mm Quality @MK3S"

Raft contact Z distance

Z gap between object and raft. Ignored for soluble interface

Key: raft_contact_distance

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.1


"raft_contact_distance": 0

Raft expansion

Expand all raft layers in XY plane

Key: raft_expansion

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 1.5


"raft_expansion": 1.5

Raft density (initial layer)

Density of the first raft or support layer

Key: raft_first_layer_density

Type: Percent

Min: 10

Max: 100

Default 90


"raft_first_layer_density": "90%"

Raft expansion (initial layer)

Expand the first raft or support layer to improve bed plate adhesion

Key: raft_first_layer_expansion

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 2.0


"raft_first_layer_expansion": 0

Raft layers

Object will be raised by this number of support layers. Use this function to avoid wrapping when print ABS

Key: raft_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 0


"raft_layers": 0

Avoid crossing wall

Detour and avoid to travel across wall which may cause blob on surface

Key: reduce_crossing_wall

Type: Bool

Default false


"reduce_crossing_wall": true

Reduce infill retraction

Don’t retract when the travel is in infill area absolutely. That means the oozing can’t been seen. This can reduce times of retraction for complex model and save printing time, but make slicing and G-code generating slower

Key: reduce_infill_retraction

Type: Bool

Default false


"reduce_infill_retraction": true


G-code path is genereated after simplifing the contour of model to avoid too much points and gcode lines in gcode file. Smaller value means higher resolution and more time to slice

Key: resolution

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.01


"resolution": 0.012

Role base wipe speed

The wipe speed is determined by the speed of the current extrusion role.e.g. if a wipe action is executed immediately following an outer wall extrusion, the speed of the outer wall extrusion will be utilized for the wipe action.

Key: role_based_wipe_speed

Type: Bool

Default true


"role_based_wipe_speed": true

Seam gap

In order to reduce the visibility of the seam in a closed loop extrusion, the loop is interrupted and shortened by a specified amount.\nThis amount can be specified in millimeters or as a percentage of the current extruder diameter. The default value for this parameter is 10%.

Key: seam_gap

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 10%


"seam_gap": "15%"

Seam position

The start position to print each part of outer wall

Key: seam_position

Type: Enum

Default Aligned

Enum values:


"seam_position": "rear"

Prime all printing extruders

If enabled, all printing extruders will be primed at the front edge of the print bed at the start of the print.

Key: single_extruder_multi_material_priming

Type: Bool

Default true


"single_extruder_multi_material_priming": true

Skirt distance

Distance from skirt to brim or object

Key: skirt_distance

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 10

Default 2


"skirt_distance": 10

Skirt height

How many layers of skirt. Usually only one layer

Key: skirt_height

Type: Int

Max: 10000

Default 1


"skirt_height": 1

Skirt loops

Number of loops for the skirt. Zero means disabling skirt

Key: skirt_loops

Type: Int

Min: 0

Max: 10

Default 1


"skirt_loops": 1

Speed (skirt)

Speed of skirt, in mm/s. Zero means use default layer extrusion speed.

Key: skirt_speed

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 50.0


"skirt_speed": 0

Slicing Mode

Use “Even-odd” for 3DLabPrint airplane models. Use “Close holes” to close all holes in the model.

Key: slicing_mode

Type: Enum

Default Regular

Enum values:


"slicing_mode": "regular"

Number of slow layers

The first few layers are printed slower than normal. The speed is gradually increased in a linear fashion over the specified number of layers.

Key: slow_down_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 0


"slow_down_layers": 0

Slow down for curled perimeters

Enable this option to slow printing down in areas where potential curled perimeters may exist

Key: slowdown_for_curled_perimeters

Type: Bool

Default false


"slowdown_for_curled_perimeters": true

Speed (small perimeters)

This separate setting will affect the speed of perimeters having radius <= small_perimeter_threshold (usually holes). If expressed as percentage (for example: 80%) it will be calculated on the outer wall speed setting above. Set to zero for auto.

Key: small_perimeter_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 1

Default 50%


"small_perimeter_speed": 22

Small perimeters threshold

This sets the threshold for small perimeter length. Default threshold is 0mm

Key: small_perimeter_threshold

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0


"small_perimeter_threshold": 6

Solid infill

Filament to print solid infill

Key: solid_infill_filament

Type: Int

Min: 1

Default 1


"solid_infill_filament": 1

Acceleration (sparse infill)

Acceleration of sparse infill. If the value is expressed as a percentage (e.g. 100%), it will be calculated based on the default acceleration.

Key: sparse_infill_acceleration

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 100%


"sparse_infill_acceleration": 800

Sparse infill density

Density of internal sparse infill, 100% means solid throughout

Key: sparse_infill_density

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 20


"sparse_infill_density": "25%"


Filament to print internal sparse infill.

Key: sparse_infill_filament

Type: Int

Min: 1

Default 1


"sparse_infill_filament": 1

Sparse infill

Line width of internal sparse infill. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: sparse_infill_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"sparse_infill_line_width": 0.45

Sparse infill pattern

Line pattern for internal sparse infill

Key: sparse_infill_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Cubic

Enum values:


"sparse_infill_pattern": "gyroid"

Speed (sparse infill)

Speed of internal sparse infill

Key: sparse_infill_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 100


"sparse_infill_speed": 430

Spiral vase

Spiralize smooths out the z moves of the outer contour. And turns a solid model into a single walled print with solid bottom layers. The final generated model has no seam

Key: spiral_mode

Type: Bool

Default false


"spiral_mode": false

Staggered inner seams

This option causes the inner seams to be shifted backwards based on their depth, forming a zigzag pattern.

Key: staggered_inner_seams

Type: Bool

Default false


"staggered_inner_seams": false

Temperature variation

Temperature difference to be applied when an extruder is not active. Enables a full-height “sacrificial” skirt on which the nozzles are periodically wiped.

Key: standby_temperature_delta

Type: Int

Min: 0

Max: 1500

Default -5


"standby_temperature_delta": -110

Pattern angle

Use this setting to rotate the support pattern on the horizontal plane.

Key: support_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 359

Default 0


"support_angle": 0

Base pattern

Line pattern of support

Key: support_base_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Rectilinear

Enum values:


"support_base_pattern": "default"

Base pattern spacing

Spacing between support lines

Key: support_base_pattern_spacing

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 2.5


"support_base_pattern_spacing": 0.25

Bottom interface spacing

Spacing of bottom interface lines. Zero means solid interface

Key: support_bottom_interface_spacing

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.5


"support_bottom_interface_spacing": 0.5

Bottom Z distance

The z gap between the bottom support interface and object

Key: support_bottom_z_distance

Type: Float

Default 0.2


"support_bottom_z_distance": 0.3

Support critical regions only

Only create support for critical regions including sharp tail, cantilever, etc.

Key: support_critical_regions_only

Type: Bool

Default false


"support_critical_regions_only": false

Normal Support expansion

Expand (+) or shrink (-) the horizontal span of normal support

Key: support_expansion

Type: Float

Default 0


"support_expansion": 0

Support/raft base

Filament to print support base and raft. “Default” means no specific filament for support and current filament is used

Key: support_filament

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 1


"support_filament": 0

Bottom interface layers

Number of bottom interface layers. -1 means same with use top interface layers

Key: support_interface_bottom_layers

Type: Int

Min: -1

Default 0

Enum values:


"support_interface_bottom_layers": 2

Support/raft interface

Filament to print support interface. “Default” means no specific filament for support interface and current filament is used

Key: support_interface_filament

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 1


"support_interface_filament": 0

Interface use loop pattern

Cover the top contact layer of the supports with loops. Disabled by default.

Key: support_interface_loop_pattern

Type: Bool

Default false


"support_interface_loop_pattern": false

Interface pattern

Line pattern of support interface. Default pattern for non-soluble support interface is Rectilinear, while default pattern for soluble support interface is Concentric

Key: support_interface_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Rectilinear

Enum values:


"support_interface_pattern": "auto"

Top interface spacing

Spacing of interface lines. Zero means solid interface

Key: support_interface_spacing

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.5


"support_interface_spacing": 0.1

Speed (support interface)

Speed of support interface

Key: support_interface_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 80


"support_interface_speed": 36

Top interface layers

Number of top interface layers

Key: support_interface_top_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 3

Enum values:


"support_interface_top_layers": 3

Line width (support)

Line width of support. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: support_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"support_line_width": 0.45

Support/object xy distance

XY separation between an object and its support

Key: support_object_xy_distance

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 10

Default 0.35


"support_object_xy_distance": 0.35

On build plate only

Don’t create support on model surface, only on build plate

Key: support_on_build_plate_only

Type: Bool

Default false


"support_on_build_plate_only": false

Remove small overhangs

Remove small overhangs that possibly need no supports.

Key: support_remove_small_overhang

Type: Bool

Default true


"support_remove_small_overhang": true

Speed (support)

Speed of support

Key: support_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 80


"support_speed": 45

Support style

Style and shape of the support. For normal support, projecting the supports into a regular grid will create more stable supports (default), while snug support towers will save material and reduce object scarring.\nFor tree support, slim and organic style will merge branches more aggressively and save a lot of material (default organic), while hybrid style will create similar structure to normal support under large flat overhangs.

Key: support_style

Type: Enum

Default Default

Enum values:


"support_style": "grid"

Threshold angle

Support will be generated for overhangs whose slope angle is below the threshold.

Key: support_threshold_angle

Type: Int

Min: 1

Max: 90

Default 30


"support_threshold_angle": 30

Top Z distance

The z gap between the top support interface and object

Key: support_top_z_distance

Type: Float

Default 0.2


"support_top_z_distance": 0.1

Support type

normal(auto) and tree(auto) is used to generate support automatically. If normal(manual) or tree(manual) is selected, only support enforcers are generated

Key: support_type

Type: Enum

Default NormalAuto

Enum values:


"support_type": "tree(auto)"

Thick bridges

If enabled, bridges are more reliable, can bridge longer distances, but may look worse. If disabled, bridges look better but are reliable just for shorter bridged distances.

Key: thick_bridges

Type: Bool

Default false


"thick_bridges": false


If smooth or traditional mode is selected, a timelapse video will be generated for each print. After each layer is printed, a snapshot is taken with the chamber camera. All of these snapshots are composed into a timelapse video when printing completes. If smooth mode is selected, the toolhead will move to the excess chute after each layer is printed and then take a snapshot. Since the melt filament may leak from the nozzle during the process of taking a snapshot, prime tower is required for smooth mode to wipe nozzle.

Key: timelapse_type

Type: Enum

Default Traditional

Enum values:


"timelapse_type": 0

Top shell layers

This is the number of solid layers of top shell, including the top surface layer. When the thickness calculated by this value is thinner than top shell thickness, the top shell layers will be increased

Key: top_shell_layers

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 4


"top_shell_layers": 4

Top shell thickness

The number of top solid layers is increased when slicing if the thickness calculated by top shell layers is thinner than this value. This can avoid having too thin shell when layer height is small. 0 means that this setting is disabled and thickness of top shell is absolutely determained by top shell layers

Key: top_shell_thickness

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.6


"top_shell_thickness": 0.8

Top surface flow ratio

This factor affects the amount of material for top solid infill. You can decrease it slightly to have smooth surface finish

Key: top_solid_infill_flow_ratio

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 2

Default 1


"top_solid_infill_flow_ratio": 1

Acceleration (top surface)

Acceleration of top surface infill. Using a lower value may improve top surface quality

Key: top_surface_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 500


"top_surface_acceleration": 1000

Jerk (top surface)

Jerk for top surface

Key: top_surface_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 9


"top_surface_jerk": 8

Top surface

Line width for top surfaces. If expressed as a %, it will be computed over the nozzle diameter.

Key: top_surface_line_width

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 0.0


"top_surface_line_width": 0.56

Top surface pattern

Line pattern of top surface infill

Key: top_surface_pattern

Type: Enum

Default Monotonic

Enum values:


"top_surface_pattern": "zig-zag"

Speed (top surface)

Speed of top surface infill which is solid

Key: top_surface_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 100


"top_surface_speed": 40

Acceleration (travel)

Acceleration of travel moves

Key: travel_acceleration

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 10000


"travel_acceleration": 5000

Jerk (travel)

Jerk for travel

Key: travel_jerk

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 12


"travel_jerk": 8

Speed (travel)

Speed of travel which is faster and without extrusion

Key: travel_speed

Type: Float

Min: 1

Default 120


"travel_speed": 500

Z travel speed

Speed of vertical travel along z axis. This is typically lower because build plate or gantry is hard to be moved. Zero means using travel speed directly in gcode, but will be limited by printer’s ability when run gcode

Key: travel_speed_z

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 0.0


"travel_speed_z": 10

Adaptive layer height (tree support)

Enabling this option means the height of tree support layer except the first will be automatically calculated

Key: tree_support_adaptive_layer_height

Type: Bool

Default true


"tree_support_adaptive_layer_height": true

Preferred Branch Angle

The preferred angle of the branches, when they do not have to avoid the model. Use a lower angle to make them more vertical and more stable. Use a higher angle for branches to merge faster.

Key: tree_support_angle_slow

Type: Float

Min: 10

Max: 85

Default 25


"tree_support_angle_slow": 30

Auto brim width

Enabling this option means the width of the brim for tree support will be automatically calculated

Key: tree_support_auto_brim

Type: Bool

Default true


"tree_support_auto_brim": true

Tree support branch angle

This setting determines the maximum overhang angle that t he branches of tree support allowed to make.If the angle is increased, the branches can be printed more horizontally, allowing them to reach farther.

Key: tree_support_branch_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 60

Default 40.0


"tree_support_branch_angle": 40

Tree support branch angle (organic)

This setting determines the maximum overhang angle that t he branches of tree support allowed to make.If the angle is increased, the branches can be printed more horizontally, allowing them to reach farther.

Key: tree_support_branch_angle_organic

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 60

Default 40.0


"tree_support_branch_angle_organic": 40

Tree support branch diameter

This setting determines the initial diameter of support nodes.

Key: tree_support_branch_diameter

Type: Float

Min: 1

Max: 10

Default 5.0


"tree_support_branch_diameter": 2

Branch Diameter Angle

The angle of the branches’ diameter as they gradually become thicker towards the bottom. An angle of 0 will cause the branches to have uniform thickness over their length. A bit of an angle can increase stability of the organic support.

Key: tree_support_branch_diameter_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 15

Default 5


"tree_support_branch_diameter_angle": 3

Branch Diameter with double walls

Branches with area larger than the area of a circle of this diameter will be printed with double walls for stability. Set this value to zero for no double walls.

Key: tree_support_branch_diameter_double_wall

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 3.0


"tree_support_branch_diameter_double_wall": 3

Tree support branch diameter (organic)

This setting determines the initial diameter of support nodes.

Key: tree_support_branch_diameter_organic

Type: Float

Min: 1

Max: 10

Default 2.0


"tree_support_branch_diameter_organic": 2

Tree support branch distance

This setting determines the distance between neighboring tree support nodes.

Key: tree_support_branch_distance

Type: Float

Min: 1

Max: 10

Default 5.0


"tree_support_branch_distance": 5

Tree support branch distance (organic)

This setting determines the distance between neighboring tree support nodes.

Key: tree_support_branch_distance_organic

Type: Float

Min: 1

Max: 10

Default 1.0


"tree_support_branch_distance_organic": 1

Tree support brim width

Distance from tree branch to the outermost brim line

Key: tree_support_brim_width

Type: Float

Min: 0

Default 3


"tree_support_brim_width": 0

Tip Diameter

Branch tip diameter for organic supports.

Key: tree_support_tip_diameter

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 100

Default 0.8


"tree_support_tip_diameter": 0.8

Branch Density

Adjusts the density of the support structure used to generate the tips of the branches. A higher value results in better overhangs but the supports are harder to remove, thus it is recommended to enable top support interfaces instead of a high branch density value if dense interfaces are needed.

Key: tree_support_top_rate

Type: Percent

Min: 5

Default 30


"tree_support_top_rate": "30%"

Tree support wall loops

This setting specify the count of walls around tree support

Key: tree_support_wall_count

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 1


"tree_support_wall_count": 2

Tree support with infill

This setting specifies whether to add infill inside large hollows of tree support

Key: tree_support_with_infill

Type: Bool

Default false


"tree_support_with_infill": false

Wall distribution count

The number of walls, counted from the center, over which the variation needs to be spread. Lower values mean that the outer walls don’t change in width

Key: wall_distribution_count

Type: Int

Min: 1

Default 1


"wall_distribution_count": 1

Wall filament

Filament to print walls

Key: wall_filament

Type: Int

Min: 1

Default 1


"wall_filament": 1

Wall generator

Classic wall generator produces walls with constant extrusion width and for very thin areas is used gap-fill. Arachne engine produces walls with variable extrusion width

Key: wall_generator

Type: Enum

Default Arachne

Enum values:


"wall_generator": "classic"

Order of inner wall/outer wall/infil

Print sequence of inner wall, outer wall and infill.

Key: wall_infill_order

Type: Enum

Default InnerOuterInfill

Enum values:


"wall_infill_order": "outer wall/inner wall/infill"

Wall loops

Number of walls of every layer

Key: wall_loops

Type: Int

Min: 0

Max: 1000

Default 2


"wall_loops": 4

Wall transitioning threshold angle

When to create transitions between even and odd numbers of walls. A wedge shape with an angle greater than this setting will not have transitions and no walls will be printed in the center to fill the remaining space. Reducing this setting reduces the number and length of these center walls, but may leave gaps or overextrude

Key: wall_transition_angle

Type: Float

Min: 1

Max: 59

Default 10.0


"wall_transition_angle": 10

Wall transitioning filter margin

Prevent transitioning back and forth between one extra wall and one less. This margin extends the range of extrusion widths which follow to [Minimum wall width - margin, 2 * Minimum wall width + margin]. Increasing this margin reduces the number of transitions, which reduces the number of extrusion starts/stops and travel time. However, large extrusion width variation can lead to under- or overextrusion problems. It’s expressed as a percentage over nozzle diameter

Key: wall_transition_filter_deviation

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Default 25


"wall_transition_filter_deviation": "25%"

Wall transition length

When transitioning between different numbers of walls as the part becomes thinner, a certain amount of space is allotted to split or join the wall segments. It’s expressed as a percentage over nozzle diameter

Key: wall_transition_length

Type: Percent

Min: 0

Default 100


"wall_transition_length": 0.6

Wipe on loops

To minimize the visibility of the seam in a closed loop extrusion, a small inward movement is executed before the extruder leaves the loop.

Key: wipe_on_loops

Type: Bool

Default false


"wipe_on_loops": true

Wipe speed

The wipe speed is determined by the speed setting specified in this configuration.If the value is expressed as a percentage (e.g. 80%), it will be calculated based on the travel speed setting above.The default value for this parameter is 80%

Key: wipe_speed

Type: FloatOrPercent

Min: 0

Default 80%


"wipe_speed": "80%"

Maximal bridging distance

Maximal distance between supports on sparse infill sections.

Key: wipe_tower_bridging

Type: Float

Default 10.0


"wipe_tower_bridging": 20

Stabilization cone apex angle

Angle at the apex of the cone that is used to stabilize the wipe tower. Larger angle means wider base.

Key: wipe_tower_cone_angle

Type: Float

Min: 0

Max: 90

Default 0.0


"wipe_tower_cone_angle": 0

Wipe tower purge lines spacing

Spacing of purge lines on the wipe tower.

Key: wipe_tower_extra_spacing

Type: Percent

Min: 100

Max: 300

Default 100.0


"wipe_tower_extra_spacing": 150

Wipe tower extruder

The extruder to use when printing perimeter of the wipe tower. Set to 0 to use the one that is available (non-soluble would be preferred).

Key: wipe_tower_extruder

Type: Int

Min: 0

Default 0


"wipe_tower_extruder": 0

No sparse layers (EXPERIMENTAL)

If enabled, the wipe tower will not be printed on layers with no toolchanges. On layers with a toolchange, extruder will travel downward to print the wipe tower. User is responsible for ensuring there is no collision with the print.

Key: wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers

Type: Bool

Default false


"wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers": false

Wipe tower rotation angle

Wipe tower rotation angle with respect to x-axis.

Key: wipe_tower_rotation_angle

Type: Float

Default 0.0


"wipe_tower_rotation_angle": 90

Position X

X coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower

Key: wipe_tower_x

Type: Floats

Default [155.0]


"wipe_tower_x": 131.2295

Position Y

Y coordinate of the left front corner of a wipe tower

Key: wipe_tower_y

Type: Floats

Default [220]


"wipe_tower_y": 40

Purging volumes - load/unload volumes (extruder)

This vector saves required volumes to change from/to each tool used on the wipe tower. These values are used to simplify creation of the full purging volumes below.

Key: wiping_volumes_extruders

Type: Floats

Default [70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0, 70.0]


"wiping_volumes_extruders": [

X-Y contour compensation

Contour of object will be grown or shrunk in XY plane by the configured value. Positive value makes contour bigger. Negative value makes contour smaller. This function is used to adjust size slightly when the object has assembling issue

Key: xy_contour_compensation

Type: Float

Default 0


"xy_contour_compensation": 0

X-Y hole compensation

Holes of object will be grown or shrunk in XY plane by the configured value. Positive value makes holes bigger. Negative value makes holes smaller. This function is used to adjust size slightly when the object has assembling issue

Key: xy_hole_compensation

Type: Float

Default 0


"xy_hole_compensation": 0